
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these

離我最近的一本書叫做 The Rules-- Time-tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right. 哇勒! Irene怎麼會有這本書呀, 想結婚喔? 不是不是,請讓我先說明一下它的來歷。這次去紐約拜訪我媽媽的朋友,一個很有活力的阿姨,我超佩服她,一個人,沒有綠卡,在紐約獨立把兩個孩子扶養長大,她真的是精力充沛,超級時髦開紅色跑車,看起來一點都不像五十歲。後來她知道我沒有男朋友,就堅持,一定要送這本書給我,她說 "我把她送給我女兒,現在我也要把她送給妳。"嗯嗯嗯..好吧,盛情難卻,只好收下。看看封皮,這本書是#1 New York Times Bestseller, Over 1 million copies in print,1995年就出版了,台灣應該有翻譯本吧,一回來拿給我室友看,她說 "oh the rules, very popular, everybody knows that." 結果我問我所有美國朋友,真的大家都知道這本書耶,我還沒有看完,不過我覺得這本書實在蠻好笑的, very fun to read.

第23頁第5句是 "You are not desperate or anxious."
出自於 Rule #1 Be a "Creature Unlike Any Other" 前後文如下:
You have more confidence than women with MBAs or money in bank. You don't grovel. You're not desperate or anxious. You don't date men who don't want you. You trust in the abundance and goodness of the universe: if not him, someone better,you say. You don't settle. You don't chase anyone. You don't use sex to make men love you. You believe in love and marriage. You're not cynical. You don't go to pieces when a relationship doesn't work out. Instead, you get a manicure and go out on another date or to a singles dance.

就是這樣有點教條式的 你應該....你應該....偶爾穿插幾個有趣的小故事,看到目前的感想是如果follow the rules一定會精神分裂!

ps. 阿姨還送我另外一本書 叫做 "Why Men Love Bitches" 改天有空再來介紹。

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