
圖: Hana 公路

一提到 Hana 之路總是驚見敬畏表情, 你真的要去嗎? 要自己開車去嗎? 明是絕美風景天堂之路被形容得像通往地獄之路, 讓我跟老媽很緊張。

老媽不放心我開車想聘請當地人, 甚至一度說服我取消行程。車子都租了, 旅館也訂了, 不願最後一刻前功盡棄的我向老媽保證絕對沒問題。

出發前從飯店拿的那張 Highlights – Road to Hana 很好用。在公路 360 和 365 的交界處, Hana 公路的里程將從零開始計算, 而這張紙上照順序列出了各的景點, 在著名的景點旁還會標 “A Must Stop!” 前人種樹後人乘涼, 我在心裡向撰寫這張紙的人深深一鞠躬!


圖: GPS 上的 Hana 公路

Hana 公路名不虛傳, 蜿蜒曲折, 轉彎的地方大多沒有大圓鏡, 頗令人膽戰心驚。 據說沿途有五十幾座只有一輛車子能通過的單向橋, 好險當時已過旺季亦非假日車輛極少, 不然錯車就不知要花多少時間, 更不用說開這蜿蜒的山路了。


圖: Hana 公路旁的熱帶雨林景觀

大家把 Hana 公路描述得太可怕, 真正上路後反而覺得還好。 這公路挑戰性十足! 很高興我是駕駛, 方向盤可以忽右忽左大轉, 一旁是山一旁是海的絕佳風景看得心曠神怡, 可惜我沒有準備音樂, 一路上只收到一台播放聖誕歌曲的電台, 雖然不太應景但聽到耳熟能詳的聖誕歌曲, 老媽十分開心。


圖: 種植芋頭的傳統夏威夷小村落

Keanae Village 被寫了個 MUST stop! 一不小心差點錯過。這位在海邊的傳統夏威夷小村以種植芋頭為主要經濟活動。 寧靜的小村卻面對了兇猛的大海, 黑炭顏色的岩石上爬了似蓮的白水木。這海濺起的浪花兩層樓高, 讓人不敢靠近, 一旁的樹雖然高大但根全部暴露在外, 還得抵抗海風, 不知道這村落的生活是不是和這棵樹一樣艱苦。


圖: 浪


圖: 白水木



我從 hotel 拿到的 Hana highlights:

Mile Markers start over at mile 0 (at intersection of 365 and 360)

0.6 miles past mile marker 9
Wailamoi Ridge Trail
A half mile nature walk through trees bamboo and ferns with scenic picnic table overllooks.

A quarter mile past mile marker 10
Garden of Eden Arboretum and Botanical garden
Over 26 acres of maui's finest nature trails. Trees, flowers, and foilage in a unique and natural setting.

Mile Marker 11 - A Must Sopt!
Puohokamoa Stream
A leisurely stroll on a paved pathway past picnic tables to falls and a swimming hole.

Just past mile marker 12
Kaumahina State Wayside Park
Restrooms, picnic shelter, coastal views.

Access Road - 1 mile past mile marker 14
Honomanu Bay - Black Sand Beach

0.8 miles past mile marker 16
Keanae Arboretum - Halfway to Hana
Two 15- minute wasy walking trails with view of rugged Hana Coastline, picnic spots.

Just before mile marker 17 - A Must Stop!
Keanae Village
Hawaiian village, taro fileds, missionary church and swimming area.  Don't forget to stop by and get Aunty Sandy's famous banana bread served hot at the Keanae Landing Fruit Stand (Turn left before mile marker 17)

Mile marker 17
Keanae Peninsula
Lookout points over Keanae's taro filed.  Keanae lookout.

Halfway to Hana Store - Uncle Harry's Fruit Stand, restrooms and snacks

0.9 miles past mile marker 18
Wailua Valley Lookout - Beautiful vistas up the valley

0.2 mile past mile marker 19
Wailua Peninsula Lookout
Lookout over taro fileds and jungle

0.6 miles past mile marker 22
Pua'a Ka'a State Wayside Park
Quiet stream, small waterfall and pools.  Restrooms and picnic spots.

Just past mile marker 32
Wainapanapa State Park
Black sand beach, caves, restrooms, picnic tables.

0.3 miles past mile marker 33
Hotel Hana Maui
Veer right at the fork in the road off highway 350 for 1 mile.  Hotel Hana Maui is on the left side of the upper road - it is a top rated deluxe hotel with a restaurant for dining.

Hana Bay - Turn left onto Keawa Place just before hotel Hana Maui.  Beautiful sandy beach, restrooms, picnic areas, snakcs.

Hamoa Beach 0 Turn left onto Haneo'o Road, 1.5 miles past Hana.  White sand beach is 0.6 miles down the road.

Kipahulu Pools (Seven Sacred Pools) - 30 minutes past Hana.  Three pools are below the highway.  Approximately 2.3 miles hike above highway to Makahiku Falls and 1 mile further to Waimolu Falls.  part of the Haleakala National Park.


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