兩個裡拜前和朋友閒聊旅行計畫, 她說我讓她想到一本書---Eat, Pray, Love。“It is a must read!” 她興奮地說。 我雖然點頭說好,可是並沒有真的要買來看 (很敷衍...) 。兩天後在公司和同事聊天,怎麼剛好又有人提到這本書,其中一個人剛好有並說要借我。結果隔天一早到公司, 這本書就已經靜悄悄的躺在我桌上了。
在前往愛德華王子島的飛機上,我和空姐要了杯水,開始閱讀此書, 接下來的兩個小時,我的眼睛完全沒有離開書本,怎麼起飛跟降落的都不知道。 該怎麼說呢,這本書實在很適合我現在的心境吧。
說這是一本尋找生命意義的書也好,是一本自我療傷的書也好,或只是一本遊記也好, 她融合了三件事,其中兩件是我(目前)覺得生命中最重要的---旅行和愛情,第三件是我生命中目前為止還沒有接觸到的宗教。
三十幾歲的作者Liz,發現生活並非所望,老公、銀行的存款、長島的房子、曼哈頓的公寓、暢銷作家的名號,這些都無法讓她得到快樂和滿足,老公想要小孩這件事更讓她感動無比恐懼。於是她離了婚,賠上了財產,離開老公,愛人,朋友,開始一年的旅行。她先到義大利找到遺失的 Pleasure, 再到印度學習 Devotion, 最後到 Indonesia 追尋 Balance。
“But is it such a bad thing to live like this for a little while? Just for a few months of one’s life, is it so awful to travel through time with no greater ambition than to find the next lovely meal? Or t learn how to speak a language for no higher purpose than that pleases your eat to hear it? Or to nap in a garden, in a patch of sunlight, in the middle of the day, right next to your favorite fountain? And then to do it again the next day? ” (From Eat, Pray, Love page 113)

什麼?義大利!?根本就是我訂的旅行目的地嘛!而且我才剛讀完一本厚厚的義大利Lonely Planet和台灣義大利自助旅行的網站,所以作者描述的地點、食物、交通、人物、都可以逐一在我腦中成為生動的畫面。不過她學的是語言,我要學的是馬賽克。她住在羅馬,我將住在一個叫羅威那的小鎮。雖然我還沒有去,可是透過作者的描寫,我真的一點都不懷疑義大利是可以找到屬於我Pleasure的地方。
撈回遺失的 Pleasure,Liz到印度學習瑜珈,在世界邊緣的小村,藉由如僧侶般的嚴格訓練,希望能澄清自己的思緒,和“神”接近,找到心靈的平靜,和那種由內心就可以產生的快樂。
我是個無神論者,如果本書是推崇某一個特定的神,我想我應該很難接受。但Liz在書中給她的神一個有趣的定義。她說她小時候有一隻圓圓的混種狗,毛呈現咖啡色,每次有人問她這是什麼狗,她就會回答這是一隻 “咖啡色”的狗。同樣的,當有人問她信哪一種神?她就回答我信一個“偉大的”神!對!信的是一個偉大的神,不屬於任何的宗教,不需要任何的儀式,這樣的定義我喜歡。
經過四個月的修行,每天數小時的打坐,勞動和冥想,Liz 發現她的身體健康了,表情緩和了,腦袋清晰了,最重要的是她發現人的心是無敵的!一顆平靜的心可以回答你所有的問題,神就存在你的心中。
“Your treasure – your perfection- is within you already. But to claim it, you must leave the busy commotion of the mind and abandon the desires of the ego and enter into the silence of the heart." (From Eat, Pray, Love page 197)
"The hub of calmness – that’s your heart. That’s where God lives within you. So stop looking for answers in the world. Just keep coming back to that center and you’ll always find peace." (From Eat, Pray, Love page 207)

到巴里時,Liz已經是復原了八九成。當然她不是真的因為要尋找愛而來這裡,是因為一年前和一個巴里傳統治療師的約定而回來,學習巴里的傳統民俗療法。這應該是本書中最像遊記的一的章節,少了些心靈的探討,多了當地風土民情的觀察,由於我同事之前透露她將在這裡遇見未來的老公,所以我把她當作浪漫小說來閱讀,專注Liz愛情發展的進度!最後是圓滿結局,她在巴里找到了一個巴西愛人 Felipe,兩個人決定一起建立一個圍繞著 “AABB“ 的新生活。A, A, B, B, stands for America, Australia, Bali, Brazil。兩個相愛的人,四個國家,新生活,用想像得就覺得可以很精彩。
"Felipe is the kind of man who desperately needs a woman in his life, but not so that he can be taken care of; only so that he can have someone to care for, someone to consecrate himself to." ((From eat, pray, love page 310-311)
我想這需要一個真正獨立的男人和一個真正獨立的女人才能做到這樣,They don't need each other to complete themselves, they are complete before they met each other.
- Responsibility = the ability to respond
- In a world of disorder and disaster and fraud, sometimes only beauty can be trusted. Only artistic excellence is incorruptible.
- The appreciation of pleasure can be an anchor of one’s humanity.
- The word Guru is composed of two Sanskrit syllables. The first means “darkness”, the second means “light.” Out of the darkness and into the light.
- The only place the mind will ever find peace is inside the silence of the heart.
- A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave.
- If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind.
- To meditate, only your must smile. Smile with face, smile with mind.
- Happiness is the consequence of personal effort.
- 此書有中譯本,叫享受吧!一個人的旅行。
- 英文本很好讀,是個不用一直查字典,還可以看懂裡面笑話的英文書。可以試試英文本!