目前分類:Austin (5)

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GRS 389W Culture of Academic Writing is one of the courses I am taking this semester. I love this class cause of the diversities of students’ cultural backgrounds and all my cute and lovable classmates. There are about twenty students in this class and we are all from different countries. Most of us come from Asia, such as Taiwan, China, Korea and Thailand; a few are from South America. I like it also because this is the only class in my two year’s master program that I feel us caring about each other. Unlike my any other class in which everyone disappears right after class dismissed, we always hang around in the class a little bit chatting, talking about our lives, and we walk together to the entrance of the building, then say goodbye to each other.

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Austin Fine Art Festival是一個集合獨立創作藝工作者的活動,今年第54屆,一共邀請到210位來自繪畫、攝影、陶藝、木雕、琉璃等藝術工作者參加。活動售票所得將全部捐贈給Austin Museum of Art。Festival在Austin的downtown舉行。原本車水馬龍的四街和五街被一個個四四方方的白色的帳棚所取代,大家悠閒地頂著82F 的德州大太陽從一個帳棚晃到下一個帳棚,開心的享受這個午後的藝術盛會。這裡不但有的看、有的拿、還可以跟在棚子裡的藝術家們寒喧兩句,聊聊創作血淚史或殺殺價之類的。而在這210個攤位中最讓我眼睛為之一亮的 (也是小朋友最多的) 就是以下這幾個有富有童玩風味的藝術創作:

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嘻嘻嘻 看看我們臉上的笑容吧!!!

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SXSW(South by South West) 可說是 Austin 每年藝文界的重頭戲。她是一個集合音樂、電影、網路的大型Festival,為期約一個禮拜,今年是在3/15-3/21,正好也是學生們放春假的時候。

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