目前分類:Origami (5)
- Sep 10 Mon 2007 10:51
Origami Box - Four Season
- Dec 27 Wed 2006 10:31
Origami Interactive Ad
- Mar 25 Sat 2006 05:00
Origami: 小飛馬 Pegasus
This model is also from Satoshi Kamiya's book (1995-2003). I love the design of the wings. My paper is a little bit too small therefore I can not make enough pleats on the wings as it's shown in the book otherwise it will look very beautiful. I enjoy the folding process, but my favorite step is the last step that when you try to open the wings. It makes me feel like the pegasus is alive. It's kinda like when you fold an origami crane and the last step is to pull the wings the opposite direction.
- Mar 13 Mon 2006 11:43
Origami: 原始長毛象
哇哈哈哈,在經過重重困難之後,我終於摺出來這隻原始長毛象了,這隻長毛象有長長的鼻子、兩根尖尖的象牙、兩個眼睛、肥肥的屁股和小尾巴,摺晚以後就覺得愛上它了,把它放在枕頭旁邊睡覺!真的是很可愛。這個模型我摺了兩次,第二次才摺出來,第一次的紙都被我摺破了,不過好像所有神谷晢史的作品都是這樣,沒有破紙修想完成。! 下次我要去買有紋路的棉紙摺,看起來會更有質感! 摺紙作品很麻煩,都不知道要怎麼收藏,常常摺完就送人了,我想要去買很多透明的小盒子之類的把我摺好的作品一個一個收起來,因為有很多東西真的摺過一次就不會想再摺了,除非有很多的時間和精力,有的話也想和下一個作品挑戰。不過真的很佩服她們怎麼想得出這麼複雜的模型呀,還把它的 diagram畫出來,真的很厲害!
- Nov 05 Sat 2005 09:13
Works of Satoshi KAMIYA 1995-2003