目前分類:Life (81)
- May 06 Tue 2008 17:03
- Mar 08 Sat 2008 04:40
二十八歲挺豐收。新的工作, 穩定增加的存款、親情和友情的溫暖, 還有我喜歡的馬賽克和鉤針。昨天睡覺前想起一些小時後的事情, 我發現, 我跟小時後像極了。以為自己長大了, 變很多, 但其實那些喜歡的、討厭的、拿手的、不善長的、都一樣。記憶中有一些片段……
- Nov 13 Tue 2007 09:29
- Aug 08 Wed 2007 09:28
Subway 停擺
今天真是痛苦的一個早上 早上照樣八點踏出公寓等公車 還不到五分鐘就看到一直有人從遠方走來 我們這個站牌的人還搞不清楚狀況 還好有一個好心人跟我們說 不要再等了 公車因為淹水的關係被卡在某路跟某路所以過不來 淹水 怎麼會淹水 我昨天晚上睡得超熟什麼都沒有聽到 難道昨天下大雨? 好吧 死心 我用最快的速度走到最近的地鐵站
走到地鐵站的途中又紛紛看到有人從反方向走來 我耐著昨天晚上站兩個小時聽音樂會的腳酸 努力的繼續走 就快要到地鐵站的前一個路口 又碰到了一個好心人 結果更是一個霹靂的消息 原來昨天真的下大雨 今天所有的紐約地鐵現都受到影響 從皇后區到曼哈頓的地鐵 全部停駛 我愣了一下 沒有地鐵我還真不知道要怎麼上班 回頭望望剛才走過的坡 爬過的路 真是怨嘆呀 早知道在家裡多睡一下
- Apr 09 Mon 2007 10:25
讀 終於悲哀的外國語 有感
- Sep 12 Tue 2006 08:16
Forest Hills
我這個月底就要搬家了,要搬去Queens, Forest Hills。其實原本怎麼也不想搬離開曼哈頓的,畢竟雖然已經在這裡住兩年了,對這個小小的半島的仍是充滿了無限的依戀與想象。最重要的是每天早上可以睡到八點半起床,半個小時梳妝打扮,九點下樓坐上在轉角處的一號車,到雀兒喜區不用十五分鐘,早上時間從容又自在。不過這一切在一個月就要成歷史了........
考慮要搬家的原因有很多,不過最主要的是我的房租居然被調漲了15%,實在是令人吐血。不過要怪自己當初簽約時沒有注意到這不是一個Rent Stablize的公寓,所以房東可以隨便調漲房租。在九一一後,曼哈頓下城的許多辦公大樓都改建成住宅公寓,一開始的時候為了吸引住戶,房租很便宜,不過慢慢的這區變得越來越受歡迎,房租也跟著水漲船高。
- Mar 27 Mon 2006 09:17
An email from Genie
I was cleaning my email box yesterday and found this email I got from my mom two years ago right before my birthday. It was not only written in English, but also written on Genie's behalf. I have to say that my mom did a great job as it is so creative, cute, inspiring and touching. It also makes me miss her a lot....thanks mom, I am a very lucky gal~
- Mar 16 Thu 2006 07:01
Hehee* my brother showed me Genie through his web cam on msn. Genie is soooo cute and is exactly the same as I remember how she is. She is sleeping on my brother's bed. Don't know who taught her that but she always likes to hide herself into the comforter. Oh her eyes are open so she is actually awake, but just lie on bed and looking at the monitor. Hey Genie, you are so lucky, get to sleep till noon. Can I be you?
- Mar 06 Mon 2006 08:34
27th b-day
今天是我的生日,先祝我自己生日快樂。不過想起來實在沒有什麼讓我快樂的事,不但老了一歲,這幾天很糟糕,我不但感冒而且還得結膜炎,結膜炎,我已經好幾年沒有得了,不知道為什麼會突然在生日前的一個禮拜跑出來,害我這幾天都要戴眼鏡上班,我戴眼鏡就會覺得自己好像才剛起床,或是快要去睡覺,一點精神都沒有,不過我有同事說我戴眼鏡看起來比較mellow, 言下之意是說我平常看起來很尖銳嗎? 可能是我不笑的時候眼睛看起來很兇吧,戴眼鏡就剛好遮住了。感冒也是,斷斷續續的已經一個禮拜了,每天早上起來喉嚨還是很痛,公司剛搬到新的大樓,連一個冷熱引水機都沒有,每次要喝熱水就得拿到放在"會議室"裡的微波爐放一分鐘,因為廚房也還在改裝中,所以微波爐只好放再會議室裡,碰到有人在開會就要不好意思躡手躡腳走進去,唉,不順。
- Jan 23 Mon 2006 07:52
Worst Nightmare Comes True
Today is the worst day ever. One of my clients sponsors an event tonight at eight o'clock at Radio City. Based on the sponsorship package, client’s print ad should be printed in the catalogues as well as brochures be inserted in the catalogue. I was not able to go to this event due to dinner plan so my supervisor went. But I just got his call said that there is NO brochure in the catalogue. -_- HOW COULD THIS EVER HAPPEN? I was just talking to the event organizer this morning and he promised that they got the brochure and everything went well. HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!! I feel so sorry for my supervisor because he is now at the event with client and he must feel so bad that he couldn’t really enjoy the show. I feel so sorry for my client that they paid for the cost to re-print the 7000 brochure and they did not see the result and again, can not enjoy the show. And I feel so bad for myself that I am so pissed right now and I really want to yell at the event organizer but I left the phone number at office so I have no one to call! Tomorrow is another battle……
- Jan 12 Thu 2006 11:32
2005 Taiwan - Genie
來美國之後,每年跟我們家狗狗相處的時間就只有那短短的兩個禮拜,(哭泣狀) 實在是太剝奪了。雖然從台灣回來已經兩個禮拜了,還是每天都會想到我們家Genie。每次回去台灣,爸爸、媽媽都會帶Genie到機場接我,這次也不例外。小獵犬的視力不太好,所以每次在機場都不會有Genie向我飛奔而來的畫面,大多是我飛奔到他面前,大叫"Genie!我是姊姊",然後看他用鼻子聞聞我,接著雙腳撲過來,一直舔我,還發出撒嬌的聲音,這真是我幸福的一刻 (one of the happiest moments in my life!)
- Nov 09 Wed 2005 07:15
Quarter-life Crisis