Garden State是我今年Artsy Love Comedy第一名。

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這是我在紐約參加的第一個音樂節。聽說當年The Strokes就是在此Garage Festival中脫穎而出。這次來看主要也是想一賭The Strokes的風采,還有一些其他重要但不是很熟的團體像 New York Dolls跟 Iggy pop and the Stooges。

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這是Ani Difranco

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I was invited to my friend's apartment today, and we cooked Nigerian soup.

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看到quawn在當我們blog在一起為 My Architect – A Son’s Journey做的廣告即忍不住想去看,其實我不懂建築,沒有聽過那個導演,更沒有聽過那個建築師,但是卻深深得為這部紀錄片的意義所感動。為了澄清心中,那模糊不堪的的父親形象,導演追尋父親的足跡,踏遍世界並探索他所遺留下的作品。希望透過建築,更了解自己的父親。而在我的生命中,也曾有多少次,希望透過某件藝術作品,去了解某些人,與某些人對話?

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一個禮拜,走遍了East Village, Union Square, Chelsea, Gramercy, Greenwich Village,終於找到了理想中的apartment, 不過所謂的 “理想”,其實只是自己跟自己妥協了,以我現在的經濟能力,要在曼哈頓租一間自己滿意的公寓實在是在作夢呀……

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  • May 20 Thu 2004 11:58
  • 浮躁

我 浮 躁

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為什麼美國人這麼胖? 當2002年的麥當勞控告案在美國如火如荼展開時,Super Size Me 這部紀錄片的構想也在導演 Morgan Spurluck的腦中成形。 到底速食店是不是造成美國人日益肥胖的元兇?為了尋找這個問題的解答,Morgan在紀錄片中訪問營養師、大學教授、健身教練、律師和消費者以尋求解答,不過最令人驚訝和噴飯的是,Morgan決定拿自己當試驗品,進行以下實驗,看到底吃麥當勞對身體會不會造成不良影響。實驗規則如下:

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剛剛把車交給下一任車主,唉,最後一程,開車的路上好難過,像送一個老朋友到機場一樣不捨,開到巷口旁為她加最後一次油,把後照鏡的吊飾拿下,清理前座置物箱,還看到幾張去年去Houston玩的地圖,跟旅館的停車證。自從有車之後,我對 Austin百分之八十的回憶都有她的存在,她象徵我在 Austin的一種生活型態,一種自給自足、自由自在的生活型態,可以一個人心血來潮半夜十二點去看電影,可以週末HEB香港韓國超市三連逛,也可以自告奮勇的去機場溫馨接送。可是她走了,這種生活型態就結束了。

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終於到了說再見的時候,長達十年的Friends,終於在今天結束了,兩個禮拜以前就不斷從報紙、電視、廣播上被提醒今天是Friends Season Finale的消息,Austin的電台 94.7 還舉辦了一個Friends Finale Viewing Party,邀請Friends的影迷一起到Cool River Cafe看Friends,聊Friends, 並選出心目中最喜歡的Friends,我從電視上看轉播得知Austin得票數最高的好像是Joey, 哈。

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GRS 389W Culture of Academic Writing

is one of the courses I am taking this semester. I love this class cause of the diversities of students’ cultural backgrounds and all my cute and lovable classmates. There are about twenty students in this class and we are all from different countries. Most of us come from Asia, such as Taiwan, China, Korea and Thailand; a few are from South America. I like it also because this is the only class in my two year’s master program that I feel us caring about each other. Unlike my any other class in which everyone disappears right after class dismissed, we always hang around in the class a little bit chatting, talking about our lives, and we walk together to the entrance of the building, then say goodbye to each other.

Last Thursday is the last day of the class. Before the class dismissed, the professor reminded us of the “Power of Ten”. This is a website showing the earth at different perspectives. Each image is 10 times bigger or smaller than the one before or after it. By reminding us of this again, she wishes that we can always apply different viewpoints to explain things happening around us.

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