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(South by South West) 可說是 Austin 每年藝文界的重頭戲。她是一個集合音樂、電影、網路的大型Festival,為期約一個禮拜,今年是在3/15-3/21,正好也是學生們放春假的時候。

在音樂部分,估計約有一千多個從世界各地來的bands,每晚輪番上陣在Austin最有名的6th street (一條酒吧街) 舉行表演,只要買個wrist band, 你可以酒吧一個接一個,從街頭聽到街尾,這家不喜歡換下一家,聽到高興為止。去年我有去,卡司還不錯呢,聽到了 Cat Power, Yo La Tango 和Supergrass,還有一些有趣的日本團。今年也有大卡的Sonic Youth, The Thrills, Stellastarr*,想必六街一定熱鬧非凡。除了Live music 之外,還有music conference, 請來一些音樂工作者分享當紅的音樂話題和創作歷程,去年就請到了Ani Defranco, 今年好像有Liz Phair。 在電影方面,則有一百多部的獨立製片電影參展,內容包羅萬象,從documentary, narrative, political到animation,買一張$50的pass也是可以讓你一次看個爽。

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今天去看了The Triplets of Belleville, 沒錯! 就是那部得到Oscar 提名的法國電影動畫,台灣似乎是翻做 “佳麗村的三姊妹”,不知道上映了沒? 其實說到電影動畫,我看得實在不多,而且屈指一算,應該全部都是宮崎俊和迪士尼出品,看法國電影動畫這還是生平頭一遭。不過這真是美好的第一次呀,她簡單生動的故事,誇張爆笑的手法,和帶著點爵士風味的配樂,真是讓我覺得回味無窮!

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今天晚上去聽一個朋友的 seminar 旅 人 驛

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今天是我的25歲生日! ! !

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The Six Parts Seven Everywhere and right here Gift from Sunny on my 26 years old birthday. I like the zoo cover a lot and really enjoy the music! Thank you Sunny!
Franz Ferdinand Artist: Franz Ferdinand Franz Ferdinand, their debut album is the #1 seller in Virgin Record store when I was in New York last week. They formed in Glasgow two years ago. released two singles, and this is their first album. Their music make me want to dance when I was listeining it in the store. It is so much fun!! I love Alex Kapranos's voice, low, smooth and sad in the first song "Jacqueline", rock and powerful in "Take Me Out". "Take me out" is definitely my favorite song in this album. This song was built with two different parts of totally different tones. I search all over google try to find MP3 so you guys can listen to, but can not find any, guess you'll have to buy the album by yourself. NME gave them "the best new band in britain". Try if you like punk rock, they are great!
BA BA TI KI DI DO Artist: Sigur Ros This is a 20 minutes of new music written for Merce Cunningham's split Sides perofrmance. There are 3 songs in this cd--BA BA, TI KI, and DI DO. Sigur Rós performed them live at the Brooklyn Academy of Music's 2003 Next Wave Festival in New York on October 14, 2003. Radiohead also performed in this live. However, don't know if they will release the music (hope so..)
Educated Guess Artist: Ani Difranco Ani's 2004 latest album. It is her first solo recording in a decade with only her guitar and word. The songs are simple and touching. Ani expressed her feminist point of views again in "grand canyon". Her disapointments toward relationships were written in "Origami". (It is the first time I hear origami as a song title). It also has one of the most beautiful cd case I've ever seen!
The Sound of Splitting Atoms* Artist: Radiant* Got it in Austin Waterloo Record cause it's on sale, only $1 !! I've never heared of radiant* before. Checked online and found that actually they are from Dallas. A reviewer said they are like the Texas version of Coldplay. I have to say that although they are from Texas, their music is not Texas style at all. You will love it if you like Coldplay or Travis. It gives you the kind of touching feelings you've experienced from them. .

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Damien Rice


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